Linkin Park - What I've Done Lyrics Meaning

Publish date: 2024-06-02

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Aug 20th 2011 !⃝

This is about seeking redemption from others (NOT GOD IDIOTS) for your past mistakes, the opening line "In this farewell, there's no blood" is saying goodbye to who you were, and since you've technically not killed anyone you wouldn't need an alibi.

Drawing regret from the truth of a thousand lies. Ever lied about liking something, or someone and wanted to tell the truth, but your afraid that if you did people might dislike or even hate you? THIS LINE RIGHT HERE, REGRETTING NOT TELLING THE TRUTH.

The mercy he expects is from others, that they won't think of him any different now that he's told the truth, not divine mercy, just regular old "So what if you don't like Family Guy? You're still fun to be around" every day mercy.

Facing himself is about owning up to what you've done, saying "yeah, I lied" Crossing out what he's become is making up for said lies, telling the truth, making amends.

"Put to rest what you thought of me"
Duh, I've said it before, he's a new man, telling people the truth, giving them a new perspective on who he is.

"While I clean this slate, with the hands of uncertainty"
Pretty much repeating what I've said before now, he's making amends, he's not sure if he can, and all, but he's doing it.

Jumping to the next bit past the chorus.
"I'll start again, and whatever pain may come"
Ok, starting over, giving himself a second chance, telling the truth even if people will hate him for it.

"Today this ends, I'm forgiving what I've done"
He's forgiving himself for all the lies, even though they may have hurt someone, he's done what he can, and he feels release from these burdens.

Ok, there's my two cents, and as far as I'm concerned the video is lame, it's obviously not about the planet, or GOD, it's about seeing what we have done, individually, and forgiving ourselves. We've all said or done something stupid, maybe these religious folks have gotten angry at others for disliking or not believing in god, or maybe you've said something hateful to someone, the point is to forgive you're self, it happens to everyone, and holding on to that hate is just stupid.
